Thursday, June 16, 2011

MAC Week 3 Blog Post ~ Article Review

(Photo from Creative Commons Search: By Colleen AF Venable)
Fortunately my school was discarding all of "The Reading Teacher" magazines yesterday, and I scooped them up. I was not planning on reading any of them until later in the summer, but the one issue on the top of the pile caught my eye. There was an article about podcasts. Since we had a discussion board topic about podcasts last week, I have truly opened my eyes to their ability for the classroom. Throughout the course of the Full Sail EMDT program, I have created a few different podcasts. However, I have not seen their true value until I read the article.
The article entitled, "The Atoms Family: Using Podcasts to Enhance the Development of Science Vocabulary", was truly an eye opener for me. Since I will be starting my first years teaching this upcoming September, for a school that has limited technology access, I am finding that a podcast would work wonders in my classroom. The article goes on to explain about a study that was done with students in a science classroom. What I liked about the podcasts that they created was that they incorporated song into them. The charter school that I will be teaching at actually focuses on music. That is really what drew me in to the article.
It was a great read for anyone that uses or wants to use podcasts at any educational level. The article gives suggestions for creating your own podcast, websites to access podcasts that have already been created, etc. If you have any spare time, take a few minutes out to read the article.

Article can be found at:

Putman, S., & Kingsley, T. (2009, October). The atoms family: Using podcasts to enhance the development of science vocabulary. The Reading Teacher, 63(2), 100–108. doi: 10.1598/RT.63.2.1

1 comment:

  1. Since the discussion for this class about podcasting has also open my eyes to that part of technology. There are thousands of podcasts out there and the only technology that you need to present them are a computer and the internet. I cannot wait for next year to start showing podcast for some topics that I teach about.
