Sunday, June 12, 2011

MAC Week 2 Blog Post - WIMBA

Lesson learned from this week’s WIMBA session: There is a line – do not cross it…  Yes that can pertain to many different subjects and events in our lives, but I especially like it when it pertains to copyrighting. The session started off with a review of the copyrighting and fair use tutorials. All of the videos I found to be very informational (and entertaining too!).
Charlie asked another great question this week, which pertained to classical music. The question pertained to classical music and whether it is considered public domain or not. It is great that he asked that question because I had no idea that it was considered to be public domain. It is great that we can take classical music and perform them ourselves. We cannot, however, use generated sheet music or performances lets say done by the New York Philharmonic. That would be copyrighted material.
Another section of the WIMBA session focused on fair use. We went over nature – or how it is being used, amount – or the percentage of music / video, and commercial use. There is a podcast on Full Sail iTunesU that you can watch (and I will be sure to) that pertains to fair use.
There was a bit of confusion on the blogs and where to insert our comments and posts. This month I too find it a little confusing to have all of our weekly activities bunched under one title. Personally I like everything to individually show up on the dashboard or activities page, so it is taking a little time to get used to.
Work on the Publish/Leadership Project for the final week. Note to self – look for a drop-box to send my files there.

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